Terms and Conditions of Use

All users must agree to these Terms and Conditions before the use of any of the Premises operated by Unleashed Fields Ltd.

These Terms and Conditions permit the Client to use any of Unleashed Fields Ltd Premises for exercising dog (s) under close personal supervision at all times.

By booking the facilities under the management of Unleashed Fields Ltd (hereafter referred to as “The Premises”), you (hereafter referred to as “The Client”), automatically agree to these Terms and Conditions.

Conduct of use of Unleashed Field Ltd Premises:  

  1. “Conditions” means these booking conditions which shall form part of the contract between Unleashed Fields Ltd (“The Company”) and the Client for the use of any Unleashed Fields Ltd (The “Premises”). 
  2. The Company has absolute discretion to permit or prohibit all types of activity on the land. 
  3. This booking is personal to the Client and may not transfer or sub-let this consent to any other person, without prior written consent from The Company.  
  4. Only the Client and the dog(s) subject to the advised numbers from the Client’s address can attend unless you have prior consent from The Company. 
  5. The Premises may only be used by the Client for the hire period booked and only for dog walking and exercising activities, all other uses are prohibited unless by prior written permission of Unleashed Fields Ltd Directors. 
  6. Clients must not at any time park on ANY grassed area. Parking of vehicles is only permitted in the allocated car park for the duration of the booking and in the parking bay outside of the carpark if the Client arrives on site ahead of their allocated session.
  7. All Dogs attending any of the company Premises must be vaccinated and be fit and well before the use of any of the Company facilities.
  8. The Company reserves the right to check vaccination records/titre test results will be checked periodically or spot checks.  
  9. Please only use the dedicated poo bins provided, no dog poo should be placed in the litter bin or anywhere else on our site, we recycle the poo and need to use these specific bins. 
  10. Clients must not climb on any gates, fences, posts, dog field apparatus or bins at any time. The Company accepts no liability for any injury or damage caused to Clients or accompanying Parties whilst using the facilities within the perimeters of the intended use or otherwise.  
  11. Unleashed Fields Ltd are not able to guarantee that each of its locations has fresh water available, it is, therefore, the Clients responsibility to ensure that they have made provisions for their dog to have water. 
  12. Do not allow your dog(s) to dig in any part of the Premises, at any time. If they do attempt to dig stop them immediately as holes caused by your dog could pose a risk to other users. If your dog(s) dig(s) please attempt to fill the hole. If your dog(s) causes significant damage, please inform Unleashed Fields Ltd immediately to enable repair.
  13. The field is surrounded by a 6ft fencing and has a return on the ground, however, if your dog(s) can jump high fences or is likely to dig themselves out then you may need to take additional measures to secure your dog. The Company has taken all reasonable measures to design the field to be as secure as is practical, however cannot accept responsibility for escapees.
  14. The Client shall keep all Unleashed Fields Ltd Premises clean and tidy and shall ensure that all litter and refuse generated by the Client is taken home with them.  
  15. The Client is responsible for clearance of All dog excrement which MUST be picked up using either poo bags or where provided poop scoops and then placed in the designated dog poo bin (not the litter bins). Not picking up after your dog(s) could result in the Client being banned from any future use of the field. 
  16. The Client should be aware that the ground is uneven in places and caution must be taken. The Client is using the field at their own risk. The Company accepts no responsibility for any injury, harm or damage caused to Clients or their Dog(s) whilst using any of Unleashed Fields Ltd Premises. 
  17. The Client is advised to wear sensible and appropriate footwear to suit the grounds and conditions. i.e. it is appropriate to walk in a field to the current weather conditions. 
  18. The boundary and security of the field are checked regularly, however, the Client is advised to check that they are satisfied with the height, safety and condition of the fencing and to inform Unleashed Fields Ltd on 01234 676657 of any discrepancies.
  19. The Client must at all times take good care of any Unleashed Fields Ltd Premises and will be responsible for any damage to The Premise(s) or any part of it or any equipment or other property of The Company whether forming part of the hire or not. 
  20. The Client shall not be permitted to remove or obscure notices, signs or placards displayed at the Premises nor may they attach or deposit any of the same to any part of the Premises. 
  21. The Client shall not interfere with or make any alteration to the layout, structures or arrangement of Unleashed Fields Ltd Premise(s).
  22. The Client shall ensure that no noise nuisance shall be caused to occupiers of properties surrounding any of the Unleashed Fields Ltd Premise(s).
  23. At no time should a dog(s) be tethered to any structures on site i.e. fencing, posts, gates etc.
  24. Dogs should not be left unattended at any time. You should accompany your dog(s) at all times so that you are aware of what your pet is doing and that they are safe and complying with these Terms and Conditions. 
  25. Do not allow any dogs out of your vehicle until you have driven through the large electric gate and the gate has closed behind The Client. The Client dog(s) should exit the car on a lead and walk through the “Pedestrian” gate before being released from their lead. Failure to follow this rule could result in the Client being banned from ALL Unleashed Fields Ltd Premises.
  26. If you have a dog that is on the DDA list (including XL Bullys) our insurers have confirmed you may use the field if you comply with the following rules:
    1. The dog is registered with the Index of Exempted Dogs (IED) and a copy of the life certificate is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim.
    2. A copy of the public liability insurance certificate for the dog is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim.
    3. The dog-handler ratio is 1:1 with their handler at all times.
    4. The dog is neutered – in line with government rules.
    5. The dog is microchipped.
    6. The field is private property with no public access passing through.  Unleashed Fields Ltd Premises are private property.
    7. The field is securely fenced and locked so the dog cannot escape. The Client is advised to check that they are satisfied with the height, safety and condition of the fencing.
    8. The dog is kept on a lead and muzzled until the gate is shut when entering the field.
    9. The dog is put back on a lead and muzzled before opening the gate to leave the field to the car park.
    10. You can remove the lead and muzzle once inside the secured field.
    11. If the household has more than 1 dog, they can come to the field together, but the banned breed dog must have its own handler and then another member of the same household needs to be present to supervise the other dog(s). If there is more than 1 banned breed in the household they can come together but each dog must have its own handler.


  1. Clients are required to pay for the booking in advance using the online system. Which can be found at www.unleashedfields.co.uk 
  2. Payments can be made via Stripe (using your card details). 


Refusal of booking and re-scheduling of appointments:

  1. Due to the nature of the business, we offer a strictly no refund policy.
  2. Clients can reschedule their appointment via the online booking system with a minimum of 24 hours’ notice. If an appointment needs to be rescheduled at short notice, then please contact Unleashed Fields who will consider the case.
  3. We reserve the right to refuse a booking if the Client is deemed to not have adhered to the Terms and Conditions detailed herein.


Entrance and exit procedure:

  1. In case of an Emergency relating to the use of the field please call the emergency number supplied on site. In case of a real emergency please dial 999.
  1. The use of the Emergency Number for general queries on the use and access of the field is prohibited and The Company reserves the right to fine and or ban the Client abusing the purpose of the Emergency number.
  2. Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes early to your booked sessions, if you arrive and see a car in the carpark or somebody using the field please remain in your card with your dog and the previous Client has exited the car park. This is of the UTMOST importance as the previous Client’s dog(s) may need space or may be having difficulty in getting their dog back to the vehicle. 
  3. Please be kind and considerate of other users, it could be their first time using Unleashed Fields Ltd Premise(s).
  4. If the previous Client stays beyond your start time and does not appear to have left please call us at 01234 676657.
  5. All bookings should be made with a mobile phone number you will have with you at the time of the booking. Our gates work on phone number recognition. 
  6. Once the field/car park is clear and your booking time has started, you may follow the instructions found in the confirmation email and text to enter the car park which will require you to ring the mobile number on the entry gate (the car park gate will recognise the number you booked with).
  7. If you arrive late to your appointment you must still leave at your allocated session finish time. Our bookings run back to back and Clients are responsible for their timekeeping. Failure to comply with this condition may result in the Client being able to exit the field. 
  8. Clients who do not turn up for their appointment or leave the field early will still be liable for the whole of the hire charge.
  9. Unleashed Fields Ltd are not responsible for any delays, lateness in arrival/ leaving, or issues relating to the start or end time of a booking, however, caused, including, but not limited to other Clients’ poor timekeeping and any equipment or any technical issues.
  10. Before exiting the field please ensure all dog excrement is cleared from the field and put in the designated bins. 
  11. Please note that ALL GATES must be closed behind you when you leave the Premises. 
  12. The Company reserves the right to refuse any application for the hiring of Unleashed Fields Ltd Premises without being required to give any reason for such refusal



  1. Unleashed Fields Ltd shall have the right to cancel any booking forthwith if Unleashed Fields Ltd is affected by an emergency/‘act of God’ of any kind. In these circumstances, bookings affected we will endeavour to transfer to an alternative time and date. 


Right of entry:

  1. Unleashed Fields Ltd representatives shall be allowed access at any time onto the Land to carry out inspections and any decisions made by Unleashed Fields Ltd Directors or their appointed agents regarding safety and fitness of use, will be binding. 
  2. Unleashed Fields Ltd reserve the right to refuse admission to or evict any person from the Premises. 


 Health and safety:

  1. The Client has exclusive use of the field however there is a maximum limit of 2 adults per dog (unlimited number of Under 16s) and 5 dogs allowed to use Unleashed Field Ltd at any one time. The maximum number of dogs allowed when a professional (Dog Walker) booking is made is 8 dogs. 
  2. Under no circumstances should your dog(s) be left on the Premises unattended at any time. 
  3. If your dog(s), or any it lives with, is showing any signs of ill health (diarrhoea, vomiting, kennel cough, general lethargy etc) you must reschedule the appointment.  If this is at short notice, then please contact Unleashed Fields Ltd who will be able to do this for you at the Director’s absolute discretion acting reasonably.
  4. If your dog(s) are ill following a visit to the field, please contact Unleashed Fields Ltd immediately to allow us to disinfect the field for other dogs’ safety.
  5. Only dogs known to each other are permitted to use the field, Unleashed Fields Ltd does not allow dogs that are ‘strangers’ to each other to use the field at the same time.
  6. Unleashed Fields Ltd have a strict No Smoking/Vaping policy on any of the Premises. Any Client found breaking this policy may be banned from future use.
  7. Any children under the care and/or control of the Client are to be supervised at all times by the Client.
  8. The Client will not permit the operation or release of any high-flying object without the prior written consent of Unleashed Fields Ltd, the Civil Aviation Authority and relevant Airports. 
  9. The Client shall not bring into Unleashed Fields Ltd Premises any article of an inflammable or explosive character or that produces an offensive smell, or CFC or any oil, electrical, gas or other apparatus without the written approval of Unleashed Fields Ltd. 


 Indemnity and insurance:

  1. In keeping with the law regarding ‘responsible dog ownership’, you are entirely responsible for your and your dog(s)’ safety whilst using any of the Unleashed Fields Ltd Premises. The law states that you should be in control of your dog (s) at all times. This is also relevant at Unleashed Fields Ltd Premises, whether you are alone or a Unleashed Fields Ltd representative is present 
  2. Unleashed Fields Ltd are not responsible and will not accept liability for any loss, damage, injury or death however and by whomsoever caused, whether to property or person(s) sustained by any person in Unleashed Fields Ltd. 
  3. The Client is responsible for all safety aspects of Unleashed Fields Ltd before, during or after the Hire Period and must accept liability for any loss, damage, injury or death howsoever and by whomsoever caused, whether to property or person(s) sustained by any person(s) in Unleashed Fields Ltd. 


 Marketing and publication:

  1. We reserve the right to use any material, including texts and images sent to us (in any format) or via our social media platforms, for marketing with your permission. 


Promotional codes and offers: 

  1. We reserve the right to withdraw promotional codes and offers at any time.


Data protection:

  1. We will keep your details on file to enable us to process this booking. By registering on the booking system you agree to us holding this information.
  2. All the data you provide to Unleashed Fields Ltd is given by your consent and is of legitimate interest to enable you to receive confirmation and reminder emails which detail the entry to any of our fields that you book.
  3. It is vital to have contact details so we can reach you in an emergency, such as a field closure or matters affecting the use of our fields.
  4. You can access, view and edit your Registration Information, through your account on the booking system at any time.
  5. You can request deletion of the account if you do not want these details to be held, but they are vital for you to be able to use the field. Any deletion requests will be completed within 28 days.
  6. The security and privacy of your information is taken seriously at Unleashed Fields Ltd and we will never share your information with others without your prior written consent.
  7. Further details on how we use your data are available in our Privacy Policy


Variations to agreement: 

  1. Unleashed Fields Ltd reserve the right to vary these Terms and Conditions at any time. Any variations so made shall be deemed to be incorporated in these Conditions.