Frequently asked questions

The field is for your exclusive use, so when you book a time slot it will only be you in the field but feel free to ask your friends and their dogs to share it.

We are open for bookings several months in advance and the field can be booked as late as half an hour before use, providing it is available for hire.

Bookings can only be made online, and you can pay by debit card, a credit card or via Apple Pay / GPay. You will be sent a confirmation email, and it will contain instructions on how to access the facility.

Yes, our booking system allows you to book recurring and multiple bookings at once.

You will receive an email in advance of your session and in addition, there are signs at the site explaining how to access our fields. In the first instance please follow the instructions on the sign.

The booking structures are:

 30 Minutes   1 Hour 2 Hours 

Up to 2 Dogs

Up to 4 Dogs

Groups (4-8 Dogs)


Professional dog walkers and trainers are to use the Group bookings section.

These vary by location, so please refer to the page for the location you wish to visit. There is no lighting in the fields so please do not visit when it is dark.

Bookings are non-transferable within 24 hours of the session start time. Before this, bookings made in advance can be amended on your account.

We are not able to offer refunds, but in exceptional circumstances, we will try our best to help you change your booking. This is at the discretion of the Company Directors. Please contact us by email at

Unfortunately, we cannot change bookings due to inclement weather, but there are shelters in most of the fields to provide cover while your dog exercises.

We ask that you bring poo bags, all dog poo must be removed from our fields after your session (in your allotted time). We provide dog poo bins and some instances poo scoops to make this easier for session holders. 

Our dog poo is collected and recycled.

Our poo policy is that if you see it you pick it up. Given the size of the field, you may miss your dog’s poo, but we ask that if you see any poo you pick it up and someone else will see your dog’s poo and pick it up. Let’s keep the fields clean and dog poo free for everyone’s enjoyment.

Individuals caught not honouring the Terms and Conditions of use, will be prohibited from using any of our field locations. 

Each field varies in shape but generally, they are around 2.5 acres (1 hectare). That’s nearly 2 football pitches in size.

At all our sites there is a secure parking area attached to the field. The gate will be operated by the session holder during their allotted time. Only enter the car park if it is clear, there is a waiting bay at most of our fields.

We ask that each user be respectful to one another. 

Please leave within your allocated session – overrunning or arriving too early can interfere with the previous user’s session. Let’s all be kind and courteous.

There are no toilet facilities in the fields.

Most fields have a shelter to provide cover from the weather.

Some of the fields may have livestock close by. Please refer to the page for the location you wish to visit for more details.